Film is the Literature of this Generation...
When Byram Hills High School sophomore Matthew Hisiger died in a car accident in February 1999, he left behind a community inspired by his passions. Intent on pursuing his dream of screen writing, directing and filmmaking, Matt had already been accepted to the New York Film Academy for that summer. To carry on Matt’s legacy, his family, supported by his teachers, his friends and his community, formed the Matthew S. Hisiger Film Foundation.
This web site chronicles the journey of MSHFF as it endeavors to fulfill its mission:
to provide high school students with the resources, information, creative inspiration and financial support to learn about the film industry.
Check out Through The Lens, the Foundation's annual newsletter.
Would You Like to Make a Donation?
Each year, we need to raise a minimum of $25,000 to keep The Foundation strong and viable.
All donations are applied to the programming that keeps our programs and services free of charge for our students
(Miscellaneous operating costs are underwritten by the Hisiger family).